LLA discussion conference on the Labour Party, 30 January 2020
On January 30, over 120 supporters of the Labour Left Alliance discussed a range of topics to do with the current crisis in the Labour Party. Despite political differences on many issues, the atmosphere and debate was friendly and comradely – a major strength of the LLA. The results of our conference can also be viewed here
Chair: Dan P.
Political introduction: Roger Silverman (10 minutes)
1. The lessons of Corbynism
1.1. The weaponisation of antisemitism and the witch-hunt (Tina Werkmann et al).
-> CARRIED (56 yes, 8 no, 2 abstentions)
-> Detailed voting figures, including on amendments etc here
1.2. The lessons of Corbynism (Labour Party Marxists)
-> FALLS (20 yes, 35 no, 12 abstentions)
2. How could we transform Labour into a party of the class?
2.1. Trade Union motion (Pam Bromley et al)
-> CARRIED (58 yes, 0 No, 1 abstention)
2.2. Proportional Representation (Andrea Grainger et al)
-> FALLS (30 yes, 32 no, 5 abstentions) – to be revisited by LLA Steering Committee and Organising Group
2.3. Republican Labour and the LLA (Steve Freeman et al)
-> CARRIED (61 yes, 1 no, 0 abstentions)
Afternoon session
Chair: Tasib M.
2.4. Building a socialist alternative inside and outside the Labour Party (Matthew Jones et al)
-> CARRIED (Vote: Yes – 52 ; No – 11 ; abstentions – 2)
2.5. Transforming Labour requires a Marxist Party (Labour Party Marxists)
-> FALLS (Vote: Yes – 24 ; No – 39 ; abstentions – 2)
2.6. The way forward for the LLA (Rotherham Labour Left)
-> CARRIED (Vote: Yes – 54 ; No – 9 ; abstentions – 3)