We will be publishing reading material throughout
May 13
Introduction Imperialism, war and revolution 1900-18 (Kevin Bean)
- https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/imperialism.pdf
- https://www.marxists.org/archive/kautsky/1914/09/ultra-imp.htm
- https://www.marxists.org/archive/bukharin/works/1917/imperial/index.htm
- A Anievas (ed.), Cataclysm 1914: The First World War and the Making of Modern World Politics
- C.Harman, A People’s History of the World
- E. Hobsbawm, The Age of Empire, 1875-1914
- The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914-1991
- A. Woods, The First World War: A Marxist History of the Great Slaughter
May 20 & May 27
Russian Revolution 1917-24 (Roger Silverman)
- John Reed: Ten Days that shook the World
- China Mieville: October
- Trotsky: History of the Russian Revolution
June 3 & June 10
Debating Stalinism-the revolution betrayed? 1924-39 (Matthew Jones)
June 17 & June 24
The rise of fascism: Italy and Germany 1918-33 (Kevin Bean and David Broder)
- L.Trotsky, The struggle against fascism in Germany”: https://www.marxists.org/subject/fascism/index.htm
- M. Kitchen Fascism
- R, Griffin, Fascism (Key concepts in political theory)
- E. Nolte, The three faces of fascism
- K, Passmore, Fascism: a very short introduction
- A Costa Pinto, Rethinking the nature of fascism: Comparative perspectives
July 1 & July 8
Fascism in Germany, capitalist reaction and counter-revolution: Nazi Germany 1924-39 (Kevin Bean)
- Trotsky on Nazism, short extracts here
- Overview of election results in Germany, 1924-33 here
- D.Guérin, Fascism and Big Business
- I. Kershaw, Hitler
- R. Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich
- E. Nolte, The three faces of fascism
- R. Hamilton, ‘The Rise of Nazism: A Case Study and Review of Interpretations: Kiel, 1928-1933’, German Studies Review Vol. 26, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp. 43-62)
R.Hoffrogge and N.Laporte, Communism as Mass Movement
B. Fowkes, Communism in Germany under the Weimar Republic
D. Barclay and E. Weitz (eds),Between Reforma and Revolution: German Socialism and Communism from 1840 to 1990
E. Weitz, Creating German Communism, 1890-1990
July 15
US 1918-39: revolutionary challenge and capitalist response (New Deal etc) (Daniel Lazare)
July 22
Debating the Spanish revolution 1918-39 (Matthew Jones)
July 29 & August 5
The fight against imperialism: Ireland, India, China, South East Asia, Africa (Kevin Bean)
- P. Gopal, Insurgent Empire: Anti Colonial Resistance and British Dissent
- E. Hobsbawm, Age of Extremes 1914-1991
- R. Gott, Britain’s Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt
- See Marxist Internet Archive for Lenin and debates on national and colonial question e.g., Draft Theses on National and Colonial Questions For The Second Congress Of The Communist International (marxists.org)
August 12
Revolution and counter revolution 1914-1939: concluding roundtable discussion (speakers tbc)