Video: The Forde Report and the lessons of the Corbyn years

The Forde Reports puts an equal sign between the ‘factions’ in the Labour Party and moans about “a culture of intellectual smugness which exists at the extremes of the political spectrum the Party represents”. Clearly the author has no understanding of the nature of the Labour Party as an important arena of the class struggle.

We also discussed the mistakes made by the Corbyn leadership, which went out of their way to prove it was doing everything in its power to be seen to fight ‘the problem of antisemitism’ – dumping comrades like Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson and Tony Greenstein in the process. No wonder Forde congratulates the authors of the leaked report for the “mature acknowledgment of the problem”.

We were discussing the politics behind the report with Marc Wadsworth, Kevin Bean, Leah Levane, Graham Bash, Tony Greenstein, Asa Winstanley, Chris Williamson and Reederwan Craayenstein.

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