New Zoom series: Israel/Palestine- A history of oppression & resistance 

A new Zoom discussion and education series, featuring Moshé Machover, Ghada Karmi, Tony Greenstein, Thomas Suárez, Yassamine Mather, Mike Macnair, Ian Spencer and others. Thursdays at 7pm, from November 23 2023, co-sponsored by Why Marx? and the Labour Left Alliance. Click here to register:

Videos are available on our Youtube channel here.

November 23: Introduction to sub-series: Genocide in motion
With an introduction by Tony Greenstein 

November 30: Was Karl Marx an antisemite? What is antisemitism?
Ian Spencer will be looking at Karl Marx’ text ‘On the Jewish Question’.

Other reading recommendations:
– Hal Draper: Marx and the Economic-Jew Stereotype
John Rose: Karl Marx, Abram Leon and the Jewish Question – a reappraisal

December 7: Freedom fighters or terrorists: where does Hamas come from?
Yassamine Mather (Hands Off the People of Iran)

December 14: The bloody history of British imperialism in the Middle East
Mike Macnair, author of ‘Revolutionary Strategy

December 21: The Ottoman Empire, the Balfour Declaration and Zionism before Israel’s foundation in 1948
Tony Greenstein (author of Zionism during the Holocaust) and Thomas Suárez (author of Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea)

January 11: The Holocaust Industry
Ian Spencer discusses the lessons from Norman Finkelstein’s seminal book ‘The Holocaust Industry

January 18: Zionism during the Holocaust, the Nakba and Israel’s foundation in 1948
Tony Greenstein (author of Zionism during the Holocaust) and Thomas Suárez (author of Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea)

January 25: Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism
Jewish Voice for Labour (tbc), Thomas Suárez (author of Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea)

February 1: Nasser and the Arab Revolutions
Yassamine Mather (Hands Off the People of Iran)

February 8: US/UK imperialism and Israel – who is wagging the dog?
Roger Silverman

February 15: The deception of the Oslo Accords – one state, two states or something different entirely?
Ghada Karmi, author of ‘One State